What Can Our Combine Kit Do?

Maintenance Free

Solve air quality issues when operating combines.

Maintenance Free

Reduce stress with a lifetime warranty.

Eliminate the need for multiple daily filter changes.

Improve fuel efficiency and lengthen engine life.

CENTRI Combine Kit

Fewer Filter Changes for Improved Efficiency

Farmers are tired of carrying multiple filters to swap throughout the day — so we’re putting a stop to the hassle. The CENTRI Combine Kit drastically improves filter life.

A Fast Return on Investment

The high cost of filter elements, down time, and maintenance means each CENTRI Combine Kit pays for itself in just 4-6 weeks!

Backed by a lifetime warranty, our precleaners protect combining equipment every step of the way.

Installation is a Breeze

  1. Disconnect the existing filter housing cover and radiator screen connection.
  2. Install the CENTRI filter housing adapter part #36-6011313 on the filter housing, and tighten down the clamp.
  3. Install the 90-degree rubber elbow part #92-600 on the filter housing adapter #36-6011313, and tighten the clamp.
  4. Install the 6” by 36” tube into the rubber elbow, and tighten the clamp.
  5. Install the hump hose part #94-600 on top of the 6” tube, and tighten the clamp.
    * If you have difficulty with the rubber elbow and hump hose, use water and dish soap or a small amount of lubricant to finish the installation.
  6. Install EX-60 with flat screen onto the hump hose, and tighten the clamp.
  7. Install the 6” prescreen.
    * Soybean Fibers may stick to the prescreen. If this occurs, remove the prescreen prior to soybean combining and use the flat screen only.
  8. Install the tube support bracket.
  9. Install the knock out plate over the radiator screen inlet.
  10. That’s it!

What’s in Our CENTRI Combine Kit?

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